Save Hundreds of dollars each month with Affordable Christian Coverage!


Rates as low as $136.16 a month!

Insure a family of 5 for as low as $332.15 a month!

Jesus Saves!

There are many reasons to consider a Christian Healthshare plan. Below we will list a few.

  1. Christians tend to live healthier lifestyles and not engage in as much reckless behavior as those with no faith.  This makes Christians less of a risk to cover which ultimately cost less.
  2. Healthshare costs are lower because they are non-profit organizations that do not need to turn a profit to keep shareholders happy.
  3. While not an “Insurance”, Healthshares function the same way with slightly different terminology such as “Member contribution amount” instead of “Copay”.  The Healthshares we offer are recognized by the IRS as suitable coverage and provide preventative care and features such as “Teledoc” 24/7.
  4. When you are not paying for abortions, gender changes, and things that go against Gods will your cost is lower.
  5. Being a member of a Christian Healthshare Ministry gives you the ability to “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2

Fill out the form below and we will contact you with a quote and answer any questions you may have.

(Your information will not be sold or shared)